Standards |
Assessment |
Professional Development |
Other |
Arizona |
Objective 1:
•Identify in core subject areas those 21st Century Skills required for students to be successful.
Objective 2:
•Ensure teachers have access to professional development that encourages the use of a balanced assessment system in the classroom
Objective 1:
• Benchmark Arizona’s assessments and student achievement globally ensuring that 21st Century Skills are embedded.
Objective 2:
•Support research and evaluation of innovative assessment practices
Objective 3:
•Fund pilot projects with districts or schools, in partnership with higher education
Objective 4:
•Build a shared, coherent and aligned
Among other areas to target, professional development should also be focused on providing support to teachers to improve 21st Century learning at all levels through data driven decision making. |
Iowa |
None given yet |
Collaborate with Iowa Testing Program |
The Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM) provides a structure for professional development that is focused, collaborative, and that directly supports the attainment of district and school student achievement goals. Each school district is required to submit a district professional development plan that articulates how the IPDM will be incorporated into professional development for all teachers |
Kansas |
To compete, our students must possess global awareness and workplace skills that include creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving, self directed and self-motivation skills, team-building and collaboration, as well as information, communications and technology literacy skills. |
Projects in which we will incorporate 21st Century Learning assessments include:
* Continue to integrate 21st Century Skills into Online Assessments (Kansas Computerized Assessment) of large-scale statewide assessments
* Formative Assessments
* Inquiry or Project Based Assessments (Story Centered, performance-based)
* 8th Grade Technology Literacy Guidelines
* National Staff Development Council Staff Development Assessment
* Kansas Career Pipeline
* Technical Skill Assessments (business/industry-recognized certifications/credentials)
Professional Learning Communities
Kansas has recently launched an initiative aimed at developing Professional Learning Communities.
KSDE will also provide professional development in the areas of:
• Survey of Enacted Curriculum
• Career planning and awareness
• Technology Integration-Levels of Technology Implementation
• Professional Learning Communities and Best Practice
Maine |
In addition, essential instructional content are included in a separate document and address 21st century skills in writing, science, social studies, world languages, educational and career development, health, physical and wellness, and visual and performing arts. The 21st Century skills of global awareness, economics, financial awareness, and world language requirements were aligned also as part of the review to ensure completeness. Maine is also working with Achieve and the American Diploma Project now to ensure that the Learning Results align with the expectations for freshmen level classes of our community college and university systems. |
*With four to five high schools using the professional learning communities established through the project to design formative assessment systems, A second project with ETS is looking at formative assessment in the middle schools.
* High School: As we move forward with new graduation requirements of ensuring that all students are prepared for college, careers and citizenship common required assessments are being considered. These assessments will focus on determining if students have met the standards/performance expectations and can enter college courses without taking remedial courses.
Beginning in 2003, all 7th graders were provided with wireless laptops to increase access to quality information and improve student learning, including preparation for the 21st century. The following year, all 8th graders were also provided with laptops. The expected life of these machines was three years; this year new laptops were purchased for all 7th and 8th graders. High schools were provided with the opportunity to purchase the old ones at a nominal price; through out the three years high schools could purchase laptops for their high school students which some did.
Today’s 10th graders entered high school digitally literate but then had no continued support in most high schools. Participating in the ETS ICT survey, one high school found that its students were much more digitally literate than college students.
Laptops to all students grades 7-12 |
Massachusetts |
These competencies would include such things as oral and written communication skills, self-direction, social responsibility, mastery of technology and the ability to work in teams. Research also shows that when students are engaged in 21st century learning, including rigorous courses that incorporate critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, collaboration, contextual learning and information technology, they are more likely to graduate and transition to postsecondary education and careers. |
We will review those rubrics and develop our own based on our standards and frameworks to share with schools in order to ensure that even these first-stage assessments meet high standards. We will also encourage schools to develop a portfolio of 21st century skills projects and evidence of outcomes. We will also involve employers to provide feedback on whether the work being produced by students will meet their needs in the workplace. |
Our professional development strategy will not be limited to education, but will also reach out to workforce development and human services. |
New Jersey |
The standards include nine academic areas:
-Visual and performing arts
-Comprehensive health and physical education
-Language Art Literacy
-Social Studies
-World Languages
-Technological Literacy
-Career Education and Consumer Family and Life Skills
* Incorporating 21st Century Knowledge and Skills into the protocol established by the NJ Performance Assessment Alliance Project that includes aligning skill assessment rubrics with business expectations for workplace readiness; |
The goals of the Professional Development Collaborative include, but, are not limited to:
* Development of in-service and pre service professional standards for 21st century teaching that include integration of 21st century teaching guidelines;
* Development of onsite and online courses geared for a variety of stakeholders;
* Utilization of redesigned 21st Century New Jersey Professional Development Port (NJPEP 21) as a portal for professional development resources and best practices that reflect 21st Century Skills and assessments;
* Recommending a plan for phasing-in 21st Century Skills into teacher preparation programs that includes a requirement for demonstration of competency in criteria for accreditation;
* Communication of new professional standards and requirements to stakeholders; and
* Recommending an appropriate process and tools to measure the impact of professional development on student acquisition of 21st Century Knowledge and skills.
North Carolina |
Over 23 school districts representing various sizes, geographical areas, and rural and urban districts have volunteered to pilot both instruments simultaneously this fall. |
Dr. John Bransford of the University of Washington to develop and pilot a multimedia online interactive scenario-based biology assessment. |
The Collaborative is a multidisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners who promote research and online professional development for educators in new literacies. For the purposes of the New Literacies Collaborative, we’re defining new literacies as: 1) online comprehension and navigation, 2) Web 2.0 literacies, and 3) educational game-based literacies. |
South Dakota |
It includes several action items such as:
4. Develop a plan for professional development of 21st Century skills for teachers.
6. Develop resources for teachers to access lesson plans as models to teach 21st Century skills.
7. Train teachers in the use of laptops computers using 21st Century skills.
8. Continue to implement Senior Projects, Youth Internships, and Personal Learning Plans with an emphasis around 21st Century skills.
9. Develop a criteria for recognizing 21st Century model schools.
10. Continue to expand SD Counts, an inquiry based math program.
11. Redesign assessments around 21st Century skills.
Training of high school teachers in Classroom Connections program
* One to one laptop training for all pilot teachers – 3 days of onsite training by experienced one to one K-12 and Dakota State instructors
* Technology Coordinator training – 10 days of training in wireless infrastructure, imaging, computer maintenance, and implementation strategies – summer 2006
* Classroom Connections Symposium – 2 days of lesson plan design and dialogue with teachers from all pilot teachers (450) coming together at DSU to work on preparations for their classrooms.
* Ongoing professional development in each pilot school
* Ongoing course work in one to one computer offered through DSU
West Virginia |
The West Virginia Department of Education will:
1. Identify in core subject areas those 21st century learning skills required for students to be successful,
2. Audit current academic content standards for the inclusion of 21st century learning skills, and
3. Revise current content standards to include 21st century learning skills of global awareness; civic engagement; financial, economic and business literacy; learning skills that encompass problem solving, critical thinking, and self-directional skills; and informational and communicational technology literacy.
K-2 Assessments (K-2) is a criterion-referenced test
WESTEST (Grades 3-8 and 10) is a criterion-referenced test
ACT EXPLORE is a norm-referenced assessment that measures skill levels for English, mathematics, reading, and science as well as problem solving, information and communications skills, and directional skills for 8th grade students.
WESTEST/College Admissions Assessments (Grades 9–11) will be a combination of a college admissions test and a criterion-referenced test which will measure skill levels of English, mathematics, reading, science, social studies for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students for college admissions.
Design and implement on-line professional development that will provide an orientation for all WV educators to define and provide specific examples of the five content and skill areas that represent the essential knowledge for the 21st century.
All new and on-going WVDE-, WVCPD- and RESA-sponsored professional development must incorporate 21st century skills and reflect relevant examples for each content area taught in the public schools of WV.
A 21st century skills technology literacy self-assessment will be completed by each teacher in order to provide information that will form the basis of a technology literacy professional development plan to be used as part/all of his/her annual professional development.
21st century skills must be embedded in all core subjects and teacher preparation programs in higher education
Wisconsin |
In addition to academic standards in four core content areas (English Language Arts/ Mathematics/ Science/ Social Studies);
1. Agricultural Education
2. Art and Design Education
3. Business
4. Dance
5. Environmental Education
6. Family & Consumer Education
7. Foreign Languages
8. Health Education
9. Information and Technology Literacy
10. Marketing Education
11. Music Education
12. Personal Financial Literacy
13. Physical Education
14. Technology Education
15. Theatre Education
Wisconsin requires students to take the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science at grades 4, 8, and 10. Consistent with requirements under No Child Left Behind, state assessments are given to students in grades 3, 5, 6, and 7 in reading and mathematics. |
On-going professional development and increased proficiency of performance standards is the basis for subsequent licensing.
These requirements and performance expectations collectively position Wisconsin to embrace the six elements of a 21st century education:
* Strong core subjects;
* Relevant and appropriate content;
* Emphasize on learning skills: information and communication skills; thinking and problem solving skills and interpersonal and self-directional skills;
* Actively engage students in learning;
* Creating a meaningful context and environment for learning; and,
* Authentic assessment based on multiple measures.
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