

Page history last edited by Carol Broos 15 years, 8 months ago



I want SPECTACULAR projects and performances and use the word “spectacular” when addressing the final projects/performances. That’s what I want, something cool, interesting and spectacular! First, let’s talk about the projects. I find that some students like to change up the project to make it work for them. As long as they adhere to the basic guidelines, I allow it. I approve all projects and topics, and what my students to be excited about their specific topic or design. It’s ‘all about me,” is the battle cry of the junior high. Making it real to them will produce something that is outstanding and creative. I make sure it is something important to them.

This comes to the final point about the projects. It is more important that the projects are “spectacular” than on time. I never get caught and have the last day as a presentation day. When doing the calendar, I back load three or four days of extra time.

As the students finish, I do not have an extra project. There is so much the students want to work on, this is the time they have to create and experiment. As soon as the first student is finished with their projects, students sign up for presentation day up to four days before the actual day. This helps the climate in the classroom, and student can see when they are “up to present.” They determine the order for their presentation. I allow ten minutes for each presentation. If some projects are longer, then they just do an overview. I have extra fun activities on my website, so that students are engaged with other material. They may need to clean up their files or exchange Garageband songs or other files they have created. They might want to compose another song, or compose something that they never had the time to complete. I can focus on the students that need that extra help, or I can troubleshoot with students who have technical issues.

On the performing side, I provide opportunities. In the rehearsals for the show, I offer individual opportunities for students. I negotiate a rehearsal time that works for the student, before school or after rehearsal. Some students want lots of rehearsal time, while others like to rehearse on their own, and only what to see me close to the final performance. The student should feel comfortable on stage and in their part, and that is more important than telling the student they HAVE to rehearse, some just don’t need all that rehearsal time in the junior high.


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